Photo Cred: JoséMaria Muendo - @DiaryOf Jose
An introduction
Hey, how are you? I’m Liz, nice to meet you!
It's funny, this talking to yourself stuff ( or rather, typing??). I’ll be honest, I’m a bit of a talker, I like to ta… well, you get the gist! First and foremost, I think it’s best we get these introductions out of the way, you know, formalities and all that yaddy ya! So let’s start with the interesting stuff, the fun facts:
Fact 1: I am a twin (to a boy), the eldest.
Fact 2: My sisters are identical twins *cue the “Omg no way!”* Yes way.
Fact 3: I’m a mixed-race 20-something North Londoner with quite the heritage! My mother is Kenyan and my father was a former Yugoslavian, or in today’s world, Albanian/Kosovan/Bosnian… Oh, and he also has a twin sister. Yup, I know! Before you ask, I have been to my countries, but that’s for another post!
They say the eyes speak a thousand words so here's a perspective through TheEyesOfLiz!
I started this blog after many requests to document aspects of my daily life that others have found inspiring. The blog will give an insight into the way I do this thing we call “life”. Now, I’m not saying I’m super special or anything but I often find myself standing out; whether that be my hair, my style or simply the way I move. In fact, I would describe myself as quite the enigma. Even during my University days, I was the girl you knew about but never saw, the “catch me if you can” trickster that somehow made it to every event but whose timing you could never bet on. Even to this day, I’m often in one place and then another… Anyways, to save a ramble, here's a short breakdown on me:
I am known for my spontaneity and free spirit. I like to travel, cook, TALK (did I say that before?), read and workout.
When I’m not blogging, you may find me behind the mic. As a former radio host and assistant producer, I know what sounds work. If you’d like to learn more about my work, check out my voice over page here.
Whether you’re here to collab or learn, I’ll be sharing some tips, tricks and personal experiences throughout my site, so stay posted!
Liz x