Lupin Part 2: The review!
Netflix - Lupin starring Omar Sy
It’s back! Our favourite French series is back on Netflix and after a much-anticipated wait, I’m glad to say that part two DID NOT disappoint! Don’t worry – no spoilers! I wouldn’t do you like that… and besides, it’s too good for you not to enjoy for yourself!
Did I end up binge-watching the whole thing in one go as I did with part one? Absolutely! Am I mad about it? A little, but tbh, it would be wrong of me not to have watched it all.
It’s been just over a week since season two came out so hopefully, you’re up to date with the series so far! If not, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Please catch up ASAP!
Now let me start by saying that I’m glad that the series has been consistent and I’m happy to report that the wait was worth it. It’s only been 5 months since season one, but it has been a long 5 months to me! In my last review, I named Lupin the best series of 2021 (which is a bold statement). At least the writers haven’t let me down this time around and I can continue to stick by my word because it’s only getting better! Can we just have a minute of silence for the mind of Assain Diop please because his heists continue to be on point and perfectly put together!
For me, there’s nothing worse than a predictable series, but I’ve been kept on my toes with this one! It’s always fascinating to see how premeditated everything is… down to the T! I think that’s what I love the most about this series! Even when it seems like things aren’t planned, Diop (played by the incredible Omar Sy) reminds us how versed in the game he is. This man is an expert, and Omar Sy plays it so naturally, you would believe that this is his character in real life. I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the role.
In this series, Diop- inspired by Arsène Lupiin (of course), has a big master plan in the works. His master plan doesn’t get fully revealed until the last episode, but the precision, planning, and patience in leading to the final heist is nothing less than perfection - to me. In this series, we continue to see flashbacks and behind the scenes which I love! Every time the plan is revealed, there’s always an “ahh” moment of satisfaction when we’re taken back to see how the pieces fit together… and when they’re finally revealed it’s * Chef’s kiss *.
Partners in crime - Assane Diop and Benjamin Ferel.
Netflix - Lupin
There’s a certain je ne sais quoi about the execution of each plan - which is aided by Diop’s childhood bestie and secret accomplice Benjamin Ferel (played by Antoine Gouy) that is just effortless and slick. In this series, we learn more about their friendship through the throwbacks of their shared childhood experiences, along with a sticky situation requiring great trust and support for each other. This solidifies their relationship and to what extent these two will ride it out for each other. It’s a great friendship that continues to bloom as the series goes on and I can’t wait to see how it will continue to develop.
As much as I LOVE the series, I have to be honest by saying that there were a few points which I believe they can improve on. Firstly, the series is really not diverse at all, (if I’m being completely honest) with Diop being one of the only black characters in the entire series. The other one is an opp, so, you know… you can’t really confuse the two.
The storyline is good enough to temporarily distract from this fact until you realise that it’s unrealistic that Diop is out here running on the streets in questionable disguises with his prominent features and you’re telling me that not one person can spot him? Like come on! There’s literally one other black dude, how can he really be getting away with these things? * sigh *. Like let’s just talk about this, because you can have every disguise under the sun, but if you still look black, and you’re the only black character in the series, I really don't think a disguise is the top of your problems!
And whilst we’re on disguises… I really do love this series but there’s a wig Diop wore as a “disguise” - and I’ll say it in quotations because WTF was it? - It’s shocking I can’t even lie. The worst wig I’ve ever seen I’m not even sure how it passed costume. Either it’s a lack of diversity in the production, a lack of funding, or absolute laziness, but all I ask is that in part 3 that shit fixes up a little! It would be a shame to ruin a good series from a lack of diverse representation and poor wigs because the series is actually good enough that it has us glued to the screen without pausing… but the details people! Don’t slack on the details!
Anyways, enough of the negativity! Like previously, this series ends on a bit of a cliffhanger where we’re not sure what Diop’s next steps are. We watch him escape one last time with the promise of returning another day, so I’m excited to see what’s in store for series three - WHICH IS CONFIRMED btw. Wooop woop.
When this will be out, we’re not sure yet as no date has been released. I’d love it to be this year, but realistically it will probably be sometime in early 2022 so if you haven’t watched the series so far, you have plenty of time to watch series one and two which are all available on Netflix. If you want to watch the trailer for Season one, check it out here, otherwise, for the trailer to part two, watch below:
Have you watched Part 2 yet? If so, what are your thoughts? Feel free to share, and until next time… happy viewing!
Liz x