7 ways to protect yourself from Coronavirus.

Coronavirus… the bane of our lives, and I know I’m not the only one who’s sick of hearing about it! As much as we want to just ignore it and get back to “normal” (whatever that is), we can’t ignore the fact that it is still a very real threat that is claiming the lives of many…

If you’re in the UK, you’ll know that we’re on our THIRD national lockdown with no clear end date (at this point I feel like we’ve been tricked to a point of no return...), and every day there’s more grim news, whether it’s more restrictions, more cases or another U-turn from the government. As of present, the UK has the highest death rate in the world (shock) with multiple strains of this virus floating about the place.

For the rest of the world, there are still lockdowns, curfews, and restrictions, with many living in the same circumstances. Even those countries who have managed to prevent the spread such as New Zealand - who haven’t recorded a single death since September - know that life isn’t completely back to normal since they have to protect themselves from the rest of the world… what I’m trying to say here is this: wherever you are in the world, the threat remains the same. Corona is still alive and kicking, and people are catching it here more than ever. How can we ensure that we’re protected if we have to leave the house?

Now I’m no expert, but as someone who works in healthcare, has to commute daily, who has been in contact with positive patients and has managed to remain COVID-free (we thank God always), I’ll share how I manage to keep covid free even when I do not have the luxury of staying at home! Regardless of where you are in the world, we all must stay vigilant when leaving our homes and when we’re in the presence of others.

* Sidenote * Stay at home wherever possible. The quicker we can stop the spread, the better life will be for all of us. Don’t be that reckless person who catches covid, claims to be fine because you’re asymptomatic and brings it back to your vulnerable parents, grandparents, and friends. Don’t be a d*ckhead.

Now, for my top tips!


    Obviously, this is the best option. As long as you’re not in contact with people, there is little to no chance of catching the virus. In a time where you MUST leave the home, please keep your contact limited and preferably with those who have been getting regular testing that you can account for. Again, this doesn’t mean that they haven’t caught it since testing, but it helps. Additionally, try to stay at least 2 metres away from others and be conscious of others in your pathway so that you can allow space to maintain a safe distance. Even a cough can travel, so distance is key in minimising the spread.


    It sounds simple I know but you’ll be surprised how many people have become relaxed on this one! I know it feels like we’ve been in this forever but now is not the time to relax! The prices have normalised so you should be able to get your hands on some hand sanitisers - I tend to put one in multiple places such as my car, my coat, my bag, and my desk so that I never forget! Wash your hands immediately where possible and especially once you enter the house. Try to wipe down your door handle as well and if possible, a shower after returning is also a good shout. It sounds excessive but a wash never hurt anyone and it keeps you clean!


    Leading on from my previous point… Change your clothes as soon as you get in! You should never underestimate how this virus spreads and enters your space. Make sure you take off your coat, gloves, etc, and put it somewhere away from everything. If you’re changing clothes and you’ve been outside for a long time/ been in contact with people, please put this in the wash or in the wash basket. You can never be too safe and at least you know you aren’t putting clothes on that may have been in contact with the virus.

  • 4: CHANGE YOUR MASK!!!!!

    I’m aware that most of you will not have access to a load of masks that you can change daily, but some of you have been wearing the same mask for months. Now apart from the hygiene issues in that, and the bacteria collecting on your chin and giving you spots, it’s just not going to cut it (and it’s pretty nasty). If you’ve got a material mask, PUT IT IN THE WASH! You’ll thank yourself later and eliminate any germs that you’ve collected whilst wearing it outside!


    Guyyys, I can honestly say that I hate going to the shops! I don’t go often but when I have to do a food shop, all I’ve been seeing is chaos (as of recent). There are tooo many people, no social distancing, no care, and worst of all… I have WITNESSED someone touching up every item on the shelf AND re-arrange things in the fridge… like!! Come onnn!!!! If there is one place I fear, it’s the shops! It’s the new breeding ground and you can avoid catching it there by ensuring that you’re wearing a mask, wearing gloves if possible and hand sanitiser, disinfecting your trolly/basket before using AND re-cleaning your hands AS SOON AS you exit the shop! I’m not playing with this one! Be VERYY cautious when shopping and please try not to go in a group! The lines are long enough and it’s really not a place to do link-ups (as tempted as you may be).

    Those who I know that have caught COVID and stayed in their house 99% of the time get confused on how they caught it. It’s the shops! You have to stay vigilant. I know people who wash their shopping , and leave any delivery packages so that they can clean them before opening. That’s all good it if suits you, but I personally just make sure I wash and disinfect my hands as often as possible. Don’t forget to also cream your hands, as washing regularly can dry out your skin (and we don’t want that - especially in this weather!).


    You don’t need a steamer to do this! Hot water in a bowl and a towel over your head will do the trick! If you can find some Olbas oil, tea tree or Vicks, etc, add a drop or two in the water to help open your chest. It’s good to maintain healthy lungs! You should also try to eat and drink in a way that boosts your immune system - your body’s first natural defence for illness and infection. You can do this by following the advice in my post “How to boost your immune system from home”.


    Don’t underestimate the power of stress! All this stressing snd worry doesn’t help your immune system one bit! The more you stress, the more you strain your body and immune system and the greater risk you put yourself at should you catch the virus. I know it’s hard when it’s all the world seems to talk about, but turning off notifications and limiting your access to news and updates will help you stay calm. I find those who stress also miss the small things such as picking up items in the shop and not washing hands after - which may be the cause of catching it! By staying calm, you heighten your alertness and you can think clearly and act safely. Do things like running a bath, putting on a face mask, lighting a candle, listening to music, and sleeping to help you achieve this!

    Keeping fit also helps with stress. I know It’s hard when you’re cooped up but if people can manage to do 10,000 steps in a hotel room, you can certainly do some form of movement in your room at the very least. If you can and feel comfortable, try to get out for daily walks! it’s best to go during quiet times of the day and I’d suggest that you use alternative routes too so that you don’t bump into people! Not only do you get fresh air (real oxygen over house air all day), but you keep your body moving and prevent injury from lack of mobilisation!

I hope these tips help and stay in your mind when you’re out and about. They seem simple and should be common sense, but with London having an infection rate of less than one in 16 people, you cannot be too sure everyone is doing the best they can! Try to keep sanitiser near you, stay away from busy places, stay healthy, and use common sense and you’ll have the best chance of avoiding this awful virus.

For those who have unfortunately caught this virus, there a loads of useful threads on Twitter and Instagram to help with home remedies. As you can imagine, the hospitals are very overwhelmed and trust me you do not want to be going to hospital if you can help it! If you can manage and recover at home, it is always best!

As always, stay safe, stay protected, and think positively. We’ll be out of this soon and with the new vaccine, this should help! I’ll continue to keep you all in mind and prayers and feel free to reach out whenever!

Liz x